
温哥华高尔夫教练—-理解球的位置对打球的影响 Ball Position

正常球位 (Neutral Ball Position)


球位靠前 (Forward Ball Position)

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球位靠后 (Rearward Ball Position)

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  • 如果杆面打开,球被击出后会向右直线飞出,如果杆面闭合,球被击出后会极度左曲。这两种球都会是低飞球,因为杆面仰角降低了。


  • 弧线中端的弧度最小,如果杆面正常(没有闭合或打开),球被击出后会直线飞出,且高度适中。


  • 如果杆面闭合,球被击出后会向左直线飞出,如果杆面打开,球被击出后会极度右曲。这两种球都会是高飞球,因为杆面仰角升高了。


后旋 Spin: Place three balls on the ground; one across from your rear foot, one in the center, and one across from your left foot. All things being equal, you will push-hook the first one, hit the second one straight and pull/slice the third one. Pretty much every time. Remember, the face-to-path relationship can change dramatically with a ball position change of only a few inches.

挥杆平面 Swing Path: Here’s another underrated ball position dynamic: On the arc we are discussing, the in-to-out path is traveling AWAY from the player and on the out-to-in path the club is traveling IN to the player. This is why a good number of shanks are hit from an in-to-out path and toe hits often happen as a result of an out-to-in path. Think about it: If golfers are swinging out to in with a reverse pivot and the ball forward, they can actually miss the golf ball INSIDE!

击球角度 Attack angle: Any golf club that is moving to the right is also moving down (again for a right-handed player) and one moving left is beginning to ascend. So if you’re fighting too steep an attack angle, a slight move forward can help and vice versa.

杆面动态仰角 Dynamic loft: The sooner you catch the ball in the arc, the less loft you have on the golf club; the later, the more lofted the club face is. This is critical to understand because of the body’s reaction to trajectory. If the golf ball is too far back, you’ll hit it low and you’ll attempt to hit it higher by “backing up,” or reversing the torso away from the target, in an effort to hit it higher. It might just be easier to move the ball forward a bit and maintain your spine angle.

如果球位放置太靠后脚或前脚,往往会出现“锄地”或“剃头” 现象,球仅仅打出去几米而已。所以每个人都应该在练习场尝试不同球位的击球,这样下场才有胆量打不同弹道和方向的球。